



Dearest reader,There aren't any prominent triggers. I just want to note that my Kaeya's portrayal is independent. Kaeya is a character very dear to me and I think he deserves to be written with great care ... I try to update this as best as I can whenever new information comes out. Enjoy!Yours truly,

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name :kaeya alberich
identity :bigender, unlabeled
pronouns :he/she/they
career :cavalry captain
affiliation :knight of favonius
I. Half-blood Khaenri'an. mother hailed from Sumeru. 6'0 in height. softer figured, with a defined waist. even then, there's muscle to her . is a mehndi artist and tends to practice on himself, so don't be surprised to see a variety of designs. he has a lip piercing and nose stud, along with other adornments. is inclined to wear a lot of jewelry paired with his gloves, enjoys collecting peculiarly shaped rings. his eye still remains behind his eyepatch, although there is a prominent scar drawn over his eyelid in turn of diluc.
II. he has a draw towards taverns and hookah bars. an enjoyer of smoking and drinking although he likes to claim that he does it in a classy way. by his words, he's certainly not dependent. regardless, feel free to converse with him about mixology. kaeya is able to mix a few drinks of his own, and in the process of gaining the ability to be his "personal bartender". either way, kaeya's relationship with these substances are complicated to put it lightly. he's emotionally driven even in the face of logic, and that finds its ways into his "subtle" coping mechanisms. on the other hand, kaeya does not wind up drunk as often as others may expect him to due to his habits. he knows better than anyone that it could jeopardize him due to the slips of tongue which can occur when intoxicated. for that reason, if that level of indulgence does occur, it is most often in private where no one can consult him or draw information from him.
III. kaeya keeps a journal. he finds literature in the form of writing (just as much as reading) to be a decent outlet. in theory. of course, no one said that this hobby is kept up with consistently. it most definitely is not. in fact, this journal slowly began to lose its initial intention as time would pass. originally intended to be a thought catalogue, it soon became pages of grocery lists, random thoughts, poems, doodles, and whatever of the like. so, don't expect to find anything groundbreaking. he also likes to rip off stray pages to create origami figures. in turn, it is safe to say he is inconsistent with many of his hobbies.
IV. being a sentimental person, kaeya is inclined to store significant keepsakes of those he loves (regardless of whether the relation is romantic or platonic). a night out to a garden, and he will keep a dried flower to remember it by. a receipt from eating out together will remain in one of his binders for him to look back on. physical objects to project the past are very dear to him. although, this is more of a sweet secret of his. he'd grow embarrassed if he allowed anyone to find out.
V. he is fast-paced. therefore, he despises people who he'd consider slackers. this includes people who take far too long to get to the point, or those who seem to sit idle for far too long. kaeya desires sensation above all else, which is probably why he has a fondness for things that will gratify that. despite his smooth-talking habits and ability to sweeten interactions to his liking, he can grow impatient quickly. it is important to note that while kaeya is capable of presenting eloquently, he is still reckless to his core. this is embodied by the way his physique is covered in a variety of scarring from various events, although he's always avoided one too many lacerations to the face! perhaps, if someone were to grow close enough to him, he'd be willing to tell the stories behind every mark upon his body.
VI. kaeya's combat revolves around the usage of cryo, both as an offensive & defensive tactic. not only that, but his swordsmanship is precise and powerful, so much that his physical damage is above average to that of others. the captain's elemental skill casts a dirge of frost, while his burst extends ice shards that expel as a threatening barrier.
hard-working, loyal but conflicted, potentially manipulative, self-protecting, over-indulging, low discipline + impulse control, emotionally driven, family & close circle oriented, crafty, charismatic , diligent
mbti :INFJ
enneagram :7w6
zodiac :sagittarius
alignment :chaotic good
dandelion wine mixtures, poetry collections, warm and toasty foods in the midst of chilly weather, fur-coats, libraries, shitty movies (especially rom-coms), the sound of the flute, anything topped with hot caramel, exhilarating activities, origami, winter activities, book reviews, agarwood incense, trading card games
When first meeting Kaeya, you may jot down that he’s the smooth-talker, despite the way he could churn up conflict in your life (for the sake of his own entertainment, of course). Never hesitating to poke fun, the loving citizens of Teyvat can quickly grow exasperated with Kaeya due to the chaos he instills. Trickery and mischief are always a part of his agenda, despite any good intentions he may have. He seems to understand this very well though, easily picking up on how others feel and using it for his own future vices. Despite him being vocal towards how boring some of his duties can be, he is punctual enough to get the job done. Whether this be through ethical or unethical means depends on what grants the best results. Kaeya may also come across as morally gray, as he can depict himself as quite the sadist. It appears that he enjoys drawing reactions out of others for the sake of pure enjoyment, and it hardly matters if it is a positive or negative form of expression. Putting others into difficult situations is the only hobby he can remain consistent within, and he has no issue jeopardizing others so long as there is potential for a good show.
Despite such an off-putting trait, further observation can prove that Kaeya is also emotionally driven despite the cold demeanor he can develop outwardly. In reality, he can exhibit compassion and altruism to the select people he has devoted his attempts at loyalty to. Something amusing to note is how many citizens of Mondstadt have deemed Kaeya as a good marriage candidate. Despite these multitudes of interests, he does not seem all too interested in the idea of settling down with anyone. Although, that is more likely due to inner turmoil than the inability. When Kaeya cares for someone, it is fiercely, and a force not to be reckoned with. Despite the insistence that he does not crave company due to others constantly flocking to him, he finds himself to be similar to that of a ghost ... Lingering and lurking amongst those he cares for. They don't realize it, but they are held tightly within his cluctches, and the thought of letting go makes him feel as if he is going to lose his mind. It's no secret to any oracle that he doesn't wish to be left in the dust by those he loves. Nevertheless, his mind conjures more and more reasons as to why they shouldn't be in proximity to him every single day. Kaeya has a severe guilt complex which can weigh heavy on his conscience and contribute to his lack of cohesive pattern in terms of his interactions with his loved ones. There is no intention to tear down his webs upon webs of lies anytime in the future, but he knows better than anyone that the claims will come to light eventually. He wakes up every day and simply awaits when he'll finally be freed from his own pathological lies by fate and a series of concise events.
In contrast to his outwardly sociable persona, he feels isolated, despite any gestures of fondness made towards him. Due to such a helpless sensation in external and social settings, he gets a kick out of lying to people. The captain loves seeing just how far he can go, both as a defense mechanism and way of holding control over a situation. Intellect and knowledge are one of the most valuable things he can provide after all. Revoking or dishing out faulty lines of information is one of the best tactics he can abuse. However, Kaeya has also been proven to be shy, hiding from taking credibility for things and not enjoying the idea of being in the limelight. The way he behaves at times can make it feel as if he has one foot out of the door, throwing himself into situation after situation like he might as well die tomorrow. As if he is preventing the impact of anyone missing him. It adds to why Kaeya is unable to close the gap between himself and other people. He places an imagined wall between himself and the people he talks to, quietly feeling not only outcasted but as if his being holds no substance to begin with. No matter the hardships, he grows to be unpredictable from circumstance to circumstance. It is best to refrain from any slip of the tongue, as he is prone to keeping tabs on people to use for his own gains at a later date. Everything is an act of absorbing information on his end, even within the most casual of moments. A great deal of Kaeya's work involves listening to other's problems, so it would not be farfetched to note that he is especially good at catching onto auditory details. Coming to resolutions is also something that Kaeya could be considered gifted at, although he is much unlike other diplomats within his workplace and does not find himself thinking things through.

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Ah, so you do feel something for me . . .And people say my charm is fake !
One could say that the title of being his nation's last hope from such a young age wasn't a pleasant experience. Not that Kaeya could vividly remember every single experience of his from at that ageβ€” only that it felt as if he were heaving mountains upon small shoulders. Having been planted within proximity to Dawn Winery, it was then that Master Crepus would take Kaeya Alberich into his beloved home. Years would turn and crash over like the tides of the ocean, and the young one had found himself situating into a family that had instilled a sense of affection. Despite the pre-established "duty" Kaeya had to Khaenri'ah, he would find himself falling in love with Mondstadt and what it had to offer. The fresh scent of dandelion seeds losing hold to the weeping winds, and the aroma of sticky honey roast sold over at Good Hunter. The people who would welcome him with open arms, considering him as integrated into the community as his adoptive-brother, Diluc. Here was where Kaeya would grow up, and be most familiar with. Yet, no amount of soothing experiences could diminish the void of guilt which would consume his insides and eat away at him.
Perhaps that was why he would find himself relieved upon witnessing Crepus' death. Confusing, isn't it? Grief isn't usually tied to a weight being lifted from your chest. Although it's important to not misinterpret this as lack of care for his adopted father. It was only this fact: if Crepus was no longer here, he could no longer be deceived. The life in those eyes he would look into and lie to, time and time again, finally fading to nothingness in the grasp of Diluc... To Kaeya, it was a premonition. One that could only be urging for him to lay upon his grieving brother an irrelevant yet pressing truth. There was a level of coldness which would arise from him that hadn't come into fruition before. And the rest was history, leaving the both of them having an outward tension involving sharp remarks and jabs. Kaeya would maintain his affiliation with the Knights of Favonius, all whilst anticipating the day in which he would need to choose a side. . . After all, neither region was truly home, were they? It was as if fragments of him were being pulled apart by spindles. There was duty, and then there was devotion. Making out the two was the most difficult part. There was no chance of him pushing aside the likelihood of potentially choosing to turn on one of his circles when they would continue to be at direct odds with one another.
Although it's important to note that all Kaeya had known for majority of his life was Mondstadt... Is blood thicker than water?



He leans back in his chair at the bustling tavern, a subtle grin playing on his lips as he swirls the amber liquid in his glass. The clinking of mugs and raucous laughter fills the air, but his attention is focused on a particular figure at the adjacent table. A skirmisher had unknowingly stumbled into the captain's trap. With a practiced nonchalance, Kaeya raises his glass and makes his way to the skirmisher's table, steps with a certainty fit for a king. "Care for another drink?" he offers, his voice laced with light-hearted intent.
The skirmisher glances up, mouth curving downwards. "What's the catch?" he grumbled, eyeing Kaeya's coy smile with pupils of venom.
"No catch, my friend," Kaeya replied, sliding into an empty stool with a fluid motion. "Just two people enjoying a drink and exchanging tales. I heard you've seen some action recently." Fingertips dance and churn over the details of a coin which formerly lay idle in his palm.
The skirmisher grunts, but curiosity flickers in his voice. "Perhaps I have," he admits reluctantly. "But β€” what's it to you, Knight?" Upon closer inspection, it appears that the other's words had already begun to slip to the intoxicating effects of the booze.
Kaeya emits hearty laugh, his glass tilting to his lips. "Oho, I'm always interested in the stories of eccentric individuals like yourself. It's a way to learn, to gain insights into the variety of what's beyond Mondstadt's society. You're of Snezhnaya, aren't you? Now, there's a place my palate's been aching to visit! That firewater as a real kick to it, eh?"
The skirmisher's brows knit together from behind his mask, disregarding the majority of Kaeya's phrases. "You expect me to spill my secrets over a simple drink?"
Kaeya's gaze meets the skirmisher's with an intensity that makes the fatui-man falter. His diamond of an eye constricts at every rush of adrenaline, that proves complementary with human interaction. "Not all secrets. But perhaps a sliver of information here or there, a mere taste of what lies beneath. After all, who's to say I won't spare you a crucial fact or two? This is an equivalent exchange, here."
The skirmisher hesitated, his attention making a quick sweep over the tavern's residents. Strangers. Coworkers. Staff. He knew the risk of revealing too much, but Kaeya's words had sparked a glimmer of curiosity within him. With a reluctant sigh, he raised his glass in a begrudging toast. "Very well. A taste it shall be."
Kaeya's smile widened, and he leaned forward, his voice low and captivating. "Tell me, have you noticed any changes in your enemies' movements? Any new strategies or targets of interest?..."
As the night wears on, Kaeya weaves his own tales, extracting fragments of valuable information from the skirmisher's guarded words. He lures his unsuspecting companion into a web of trust and camaraderie, their drinks becoming a conduit for the priceless intel that flows freely. In the midst of laughter, Kaeya's gears turn and click, analyzing the morsels of knowledge he had acquired. With each carefully posed question, he pieces together the puzzle of his enemies' plans, their weaknesses and vulnerabilities laid bare bones.
As the tavern's patrons sing and laugh, oblivious to the clandestine exchange taking place, Kaeya's lips purse with triumph.
When the night finally draws to a close, Kaeya bids his unwitting informant farewell, leaving the skirmisher none the wiser to the true intentions behind their encounter. As he merges into the dark of night, his mind races with blueprints for the future, knowing that what he had learned would be a weapon to safeguard Mondstadt from the perils that lay ahead.
i like a lot of things and love listening to people talk about their interests! so i promise i don’t bite. as far as ships, just know that I am open to rarepairs even outside of my usual taste, so long as it's interesting. Read more about me in my carrd, by clicking here.
Oh? Well, if you're concerned about keeping things professional . . .Maybe you can find more use for me on the front lines. How about it, boss?
Apple Martini